This meeting will be at Lakewood School 2134 W. LAKEWOOD BLVD. HOLLAND, MI 49424 The school will be ready for us to start by noon. An early start may help some students with limited attention spans. This lunch is a real highlight for them. Staff and students are excited to have us in the school on that one special day each year.
Andy Bass from NetNerd Ventures talked about the history and current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI). His company does consulting and software development. He is currently working on 2 AI projects. He is doing data analysis with AI and 3D graphical room layout software.
The term AI was originally coined at a Dartmouth conference in 1956. The initial goals defined at the conference were to develop software to help in problem-solving, learning, and natural language processing.
The current large language model of AI can tackle problems with huge time savings. Some of the areas that benefit from modern AI are:
Create content
Summarize documents
Audio narration
Language Translation
Strategic planning
Software development
Data generation
There are many specialized AI tools. Andy demonstrated which can be trained to mimic an individual's speech, which can generate pictures from a textual description, and which generates music given directions.