Health and safety are the main goals of this nuclear plant. According to our speakers, clean energy from this plant is extremely important. An incredible team is working to get the plant going again. The nuclear industry is extremely excited about this project. This is the biggest project of the United States Department of Energy now. Getting the plant up and running again will show the world that a retired plan can be successfully reactivated. The project is of extreme international importance.
Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are expected to be online by about the 2030s. The first two SMRs will be at Palisades. This will be in our backyard. The team wants to get the plant safely opened before there are SMRs.
The Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan would be the first U.S. nuclear plant to restart after shutting down. It is supported by a $1.5 billion conditional loan commitment from the DOE Loan Programs Office to Holtec Palisades, LLC, to finance the restoration and resumption of service for an 800 MW nuclear generation station in Covert Township, Michigan. The project aims to bring back the Palisades Nuclear Plant online and upgrade it to produce clean, baseload power through at least 2050.